

Levine Museum of the New South goes to Brooklyn, adding this rich historic neighborhood to its current exhibit #HomeCLT: People. Places. Promises – a multilayered exhibit that explores Charlotte’s neighborhoods as they’ve grown and changed over time through Augmented Reality experiences that bring the stories alive.

Brooklyn: Once a City Within a City, explores the rise and demise of Charlotte’s Brooklyn neighborhood, once the most thriving and vibrant Black community in the Carolinas.

Brooklyn gives voice to the memories of former residents and community members. The exhibit encourages reflection about a place that provided opportunities and sanctuary for African Americans and explores the consequences of urban renewal and what a community may lose in the name of progress and growth. Visitors will also learn about the politics that further segregated the city and deepened the economic opportunity gap that Charlotte continues to struggle with today.

Learn more about Charlotte’s Brooklyn neighborhood, on foot, with an immersive GPS-based experience.

  • Levine Museum of the New South Brooklyn: Once A City Within A City Event Image
  • Levine Museum of the New South Brooklyn: Once A City Within A City Event Image
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